Why attend?
Leadership development actually for young people
Tired of generic leadership development that doesn't address your needs as a young leader? Level up your leadership game and unleash your potential at the JCI USA conference! Leadership development sessions are featured throughout the event and you'll hear from other young people driving positive change at the local, national, and international stages. Session content is based on trends, challenges, and feedback from young people.
Authentic community building, not just networking
Do you cringe at the term "networking" but also feel alone in your efforts as a leader driving change? That's one reason JCI USA exists: to provide a platform and community for young leaders. The Annual Meeting will feature activities and sessions dedicated to connecting with others past just a networking level, so you'll leave with connections from all over the country and world.
Inspiring stories and people to push your potential
You'll have access to hear from the Ten Outstanding Young Americans, current, and future JCI USA leadership who will be sharing their insights and stories in sessions throughout the conference. Leave Minneapolis feeling inspired and equipped with leadership tools from the Annual Meeting!